To represent principal's interests in the Commercial Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the Thirteenth Arbitrazh Appellate Court and the Commercial Court of the North-Western Federal District is a well-known kind of activity for our experts. We always tend to achieve a pretrial settlement of a dispute or to a conclusion of an amicable agreement while representing interests of a principal. This kind of approach is economically reasonable because of a saving of a time and money that are associated with an adjudication of the same question in a court. In the majority of cases to follow a pretrial procedure of a dispute settlement is a precondition for going to the Arbitrazh Court. A quality conduct of cases in Arbitrazh is one of the strongest sides of our project’s experts.
Our experts have got a great experience of participation in litigations in the field of building and realization of investment projects, including turnkey contracts’ litigations. This kind of contracts is the most popular in the building area. Having a great experience of juridical maintenance of investment projects, our experts feel at home with all kinds of contracts made in the course of construction.
The list of concrete actions on pleading cases in Arbitrash court and types of these cases are not limited to the given list, since it’s hard to foresee all possible situations. We are always ready to develop new fields of activity for a principal.
Categories of cases of lawyers of the “Civil lawyer” project.
On disputes with covenantor on business, that arise in connection with:
- performance of a turnkey contract;
- declaration of voidable contracts as invalid, and application of consequences of void transactions’ invalidity;
- conclusion and execution of contracts of delivery, purchase (exchange) of Real Estate, mortgage, contract, rent, lease, and also intermediary and other contracts;
- changing and cancellation of various contracts;
- collection of debt on economic contracts;
- compensation for damages, compensation for damage of a business reputation;
- demand of a property from hostile possession etc.
- acceptance of the right of ownership;
- disputes on intellectual property rights or copyright;
On disputes with taxation (customs) bodies arising in connection with:
- dispute of taxation bodies’ demands on tax sanction collection;
- dispute of taxation bodies’ decisions by results of tax control;
Representation of principal’s interests in Arbitrazh Court consists of different stages.
Representation of principal’s interests in Arbitrazh Court includes the following stages:
- acquaintance with documents and implementation of a legal examination. In case of a principal’s wish, also with a drafting of a legal conclusion (analytical report);
- development of a legal position that includes a strategy and tactics of behavior of a principal with a view to protect his interests, with execution of an events’ plan;
- preparation and filing of a claim (complaint, appeal), defensive pleadings in writing, application for support of a claim and other procedural documents;
- drawing-up and conclusion of amicable settlements;
- representation of principals interests at a stage of executive proceedings, including services of debtor’s property research;
- package preparation and reference with a view to appeal against a court’s of the first appearance decision at the court of appeal, the cassation court and the supervisory agency; procedural representation;
- confirmation of economic activity circumstances of a principal in other judicial processes;
- procedural representation of principal’s interests (in his absence) in judicial session;
In addition to the services listed above, lawyers of the “Civil lawyer” project can gather information and documents that are necessary for a successful completion of a case during an advocation inquiry.
Please read the given information carefully and contact us if it arouses your interest.
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