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В. Швебель

Juridical maintenance of deals with real estate. Advocation and legal services

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Судебные решения

Категории судебных дел адвокатов проекта "Гражданский адвокат"

Juridical maintenance of deals with real estate. Advocation and legal services
There is a great variety of real estate objects (residential premises, enterprises, parcels of land, buildings and separate rooms, etc.) and operations with such objects (alienation, leasing, servitudes, improvements, mortgage, donation, inheritance, etc.). Every operation has got its own, specific legal regulation, peculiarities and limitations. Real estate possesses a great arsenal to provide welfare to its owner. Property owner has the right not only to hold and use it “for its intended purpose”, but also to use it for achievement of other purposes (as an example, for a mortgage or for an assignment of a property into temporary usage to a third party, etc).

The special area that real estate deals occupy is determined by relation of state to control and accounting of such kind of the property. The state has created a great number of legislative acts, regulating questions and procedures of state registration of ownership to immovable property. And there is almost no way to guarantee due diligence with real estate deals without special juridical knowledge. To carry out an examination of a voidability of ownership to an apartment should be first of all interesting to buyers of real estate objects. Since if a deal is registrated incorrectly or a seller of real estate object hasn’t got enough rights, a buyer-to-be risks to condemn himself to long judicial proceedings and even possible to a loss of the right of ownership to this object. An examination of a voidability of ownership as a kind of juridical service (“due diligence”) is represented by lawyers of the “Civil lawyer” project to principals for many years.

In total all the aforesaid is making juridical maintenance of deals with real estate one of priority directions of our occupation. Our lawyers may not only carry out maintenance of a deal. They can also give to principal exhaustive information on all possible ways of activity and knowledge of prehistory of real estate object. Any difficulties that may arise on the way of accomplishment of a deal will be solved easily by our experienced experts.
The lawyers of “Civil Lawyer” project offer full legal support of the following operations with real estate objects:
  • Purchase and sale;
  • Donation;
  • Inheritance;
  • Barter;
  • Tenancy;
  • Charge, exoneration and other mortgage operations;

A list of concrete operations with real estate is not reduced to the given one, since it is very difficult to foresee all possible situations.

The lawyers of “Civil Lawyer” project are always ready to develop new fields of activity for principals.

Please examine the given information carefully and contact us if it arouses your interest.

To contact a lawyer immediately please call: +7 (921) 320-0433 (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

All advocation and legal services...

Juridical maintenance of deals with real estate. Advocation and legal services
There is a great variety of real estate objects (residential premises, enterprises, parcels of land, buildings and separate rooms, etc.) and operations with such objects (alienation, leasing, servitudes, improvements, mortgage, donation, inheritance, etc.). Every operation has got its own, specific legal regulation, peculiarities and limitations. Real estate possesses a great arsenal to provide welfare to its owner. Property owner has the right not only to hold and use it “for its intended purpose”, but also to use it for achievement of other purposes (as an example, for a mortgage or for an assignment of a property into temporary usage to a third party, etc).

The special area that real estate deals occupy is determined by relation of state to control and accounting of such kind of the property. The state has created a great number of legislative acts, regulating questions and procedures of state registration of ownership to immovable property. And there is almost no way to guarantee due diligence with real estate deals without special juridical knowledge. To carry out an examination of a voidability of ownership to an apartment should be first of all interesting to buyers of real estate objects. Since if a deal is registrated incorrectly or a seller of real estate object hasn’t got enough rights, a buyer-to-be risks to condemn himself to long judicial proceedings and even possible to a loss of the right of ownership to this object. An examination of a voidability of ownership as a kind of juridical service (“due diligence”) is represented by lawyers of the “Civil lawyer” project to principals for many years.

In total all the aforesaid is making juridical maintenance of deals with real estate one of priority directions of our occupation. Our lawyers may not only carry out maintenance of a deal. They can also give to principal exhaustive information on all possible ways of activity and knowledge of prehistory of real estate object. Any difficulties that may arise on the way of accomplishment of a deal will be solved easily by our experienced experts.
The lawyers of “Civil Lawyer” project offer full legal support of the following operations with real estate objects:
  • Purchase and sale;
  • Donation;
  • Inheritance;
  • Barter;
  • Tenancy;
  • Charge, exoneration and other mortgage operations;

A list of concrete operations with real estate is not reduced to the given one, since it is very difficult to foresee all possible situations.

The lawyers of “Civil Lawyer” project are always ready to develop new fields of activity for principals.

Please examine the given information carefully and contact us if it arouses your interest.

To contact a lawyer immediately please call: +7 (921) 320-0433 (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

All advocation and legal services...

Топ наших услуг


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